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Understanding the Decision Tree [ Day 1]

 Hello Folks, Today we will explore the Decision Tree in Machine Learning. The decision tree is usually called CART (Classification and Regression Trees). 1.DecisionTreeClassifier: class   sklearn.tree. DecisionTreeClassifier ( * ,  criterion = 'gini' ,  splitter = 'best' ,  max_depth = None ,  min_samples_split = 2 ,  min_samples_leaf = 1 ,  min_weight_fraction_leaf = 0.0 ,  max_features = None ,  random_state = None ,  max_leaf_nodes = None ,  min_impurity_decrease = 0.0 ,  class_weight = None ,  ccp_alpha = 0.0 ) Advantages : 1.Easy to Understand  Disadvantages: Decision trees tend to overfit data with a large number of features. Getting the right ratio of samples to a number of features is important since a tree with few samples in high dimensional space is very likely to overfit. Purning: (limit the height of tree) Pruning is a data compression technique in machine learning and search algorithms that reduces...

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